
Stephan werd in de Legal 500 rankings vermeld als “recommended lawyer” (EMEA 2020) en “next generation partner” (EMEA 2022). Cliënten omschreven hem daarbij als:

“[…] a pleasure to deal with. He has a lot of expertise and is able to translate the input of the business quickly and correctly in legal documents. He is sensitive in relationships of the business with competent authorities and always looking for more permanent solutions than going to court. Furthermore, he has a good sense of humor and he is modest.”

“[…] a great sparring partner. He provides thorough advice and is a delight to work with.”

“[…]  an extremely capable lawyer, he is an expert and has strong soft skills. This is key in solving complicated (technical and political) files. We strongly rely on his expertise and support.”

[…]  skillful, cordial and a fine sparring partner. He is able to quickly grasp the core of an issue, and he provides effective, clear and accurate guidance.”

Stephan was als adviseur betrokken bij de herontwikkeling van het Binckhorst-gebied in Den Haag door VORM, de realisatie van het eerste drijvende zonnepark van Europa door GroenLeven en de ontwikkeling van de eerste bio-LNG installatie in Nederland door Renewi, Shell en Nordsol. Stephan adviseerde een consortium van banken over omgevingsrechtelijke aspecten in het kader van de EUR 45 miljoen kapitaalverhoging door chemieconcern Avantium.