Privacy statement


Ruleworks B.V. (“Ruleworks”) respects your personal data and ensures that personal information provided to us or otherwise obtained is treated confidentially. Personal data is any information about a person. Data that indirectly says something about someone is also personal data. The following implements the information obligation set forth in the General data protection regulation (“GDPR”) to the data subject(s) whose personal data Ruleworks processes.


Ruleworks processes personal data in order to provide services, improve services and communicate with you personally. You as a data subject can choose to participate and provide personal data. You may also register to receive a newsletter or other communications from


Ruleworks processes personal data solely for the purposes listed below:

  • the provision of legal services, including the performance of an agreement and theconduct of legal or other proceedings;
  • collecting claims;
  • counseling, mediation and referral;
  • comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • marketing and communications activities;
  • recruitment and selection (applications).

Types of personal data

Ruleworks processes the following personal data (types or categories) for the purpose of providing services or provided by data subjects on their own initiative:

  • first and last name, position, title;
  • e-mail address, mailing address, phone number and other contact information;
  • personal data that clients and relations provide us in the context of networking meetings, breakfast sessions, seminars or other gatherings. This data may relate to accessibility and dietary requirements;
  • personal data for the purpose of a job application or employment;
  • other personal data relating to data subjects that we obtain in the course of Ruleworks’ activities based on the purposes and bases listed below.

The aforementioned personal data are processed by Ruleworks because they were provided by you as a data subject on your own initiative, were obtained in the course of providing services, were made known to us by third parties, including counterparties, or became known through public sources.

Legal bases

Ruleworks processes the personal data mentioned above solely on the basis of the groundsmentioned below in Article 6 of the GDPR:

  • legal obligation;
  • performance of an agreement;
  • consent obtained from data subject(s);
  • legitimate interest.

Sharing of personal data

Ruleworks will share your personal data with third parties only to the extent necessary to provide services in accordance with the above purposes. This includes, for example, substituting another lawyer for the practice, arranging for an expert investigation or engaging
another third party on behalf of Ruleworks such as an IT supplier, but also providing your personal data in connection with (legal) proceedings or correspondence with the other party. In addition, Ruleworks may provide personal data to a third party, such as a regulator or other body vested with public authority, to the extent that there is a legal obligation to do so. A processing agreement will be entered into with the third party processing your personal data on behalf of Ruleworks, obligating that third party to comply with the GDPR. Third parties engaged by Ruleworks to provide services as controllers are responsible for the (further) processing of your personal data. This may include an accountant, notary, other third party engaged for a second opinion or expert report.


Ruleworks attaches great importance to the security and protection of your personal data and, taking into account the state of the art, will ensure appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a security level appropriate to the risk. In the event Ruleworks uses the services of third parties, such as an IT supplier, Ruleworks will agree on adequate security measures in a processor agreement in the context of personal data protection. Retention period Ruleworks will not retain personal data being processed longer than necessary for the aforementioned purposes of data processing or as required by laws and regulations.

Privacy rights of data subjects

A request for access, correction, restriction, opposition, data portability, deletion of your personal data or withdrawal of previously given consent, can be sent to In order to ensure that we are providing the relevant personal data to the correct person based on your request, we will ask you to provide a copy of a valid passport, driver’s license or ID card with a blocked passport photo and social security number for verification purposes. Ruleworks will only process requests that relate to your own personal data.
There may be circumstances in which Ruleworks cannot or cannot fully comply with your request as a data subject. These include the duty of attorney confidentiality and legal retention periods.

Use of social media

Ruleworks website(s) ( may include buttons (also called buttons) and/or links to promote or share web pages on social (media) networks or third-party websites, such as Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook. Ruleworks does not monitor and is not responsible for the processing of your personal data by and through such third parties. Use of those media is therefore at your own risk. Before using those third-party services, it is advisable to read the privacy statement of those third parties.

Statistics and cookies

Ruleworks maintains usage data from the website(s) for statistical purposes. Personal data collected in this way are in principle anonymous and will not be sold by Ruleworks to third parties.

In order to increase the ease of use of the Ruleworks website(s), so-called ‘cookies’ may be used. A cookie is a small text file that is placed on your computer, tablet or smartphone during your visit to the Ruleworks website(s). You can refuse the use of these cookies at any time, although this may limit the functionality and ease of use of the website(s). The Ruleworks website uses cookies from Google Analytics to track, in outline, user behavior and general trends and obtain reports. This helps to improve the operation of the website(s).
Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so or insofar as third parties process the information on Google’s behalf. By using the Ruleworks website(s), you consent to the processing of the information by Google in the manner and for the purposes described above. Cookies are also set by the use of buttons and/or links, as described above under ‘Use of social media’. Ruleworks has no influence on the placement and use of cookies by those third parties. You can read more about cookies and how to block or delete them on the Authority Consumer and Market website (

On the website(s), Ruleworks may provide a blog or forum. Any information posted on it may be read, collected and used by anyone, i.e. any third party. A request to remove personal data from a blog or forum can be made using the contact details under ‘Privacy rights of data subjects’. Ruleworks may not be able to remove personal data from a blog or forum in some cases. In a response to your aforementioned request, Ruleworks will then indicate that it has not been successful and also for what reason. In the event that you as a data subject post personal data via a third party application (via social media), that third party or the administrator of the application is the point of contact for such deletion requests or other privacy questions.

Privacy statement modification

Ruleworks has the right to change the content of this privacy statement at any time without prior notice. Amendments to the privacy statement will be published on the law firm’s website. Please therefore consult our website(s) regularly.


If you have any questions or comments regarding the processing of your personal data and this privacy statement, please contact Ruleworks at

This privacy statement was adopted June 1 2023.

*This concerns an English translation of the Dutch privacy statement. In case of discrepancies between the
English version and the Dutch version, the Dutch version prevails.